Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Dissertation Progression

Woo hoo! The head of my dissertation committee okayed my dissertation proposal. I still have a ton to do before the proposal is accepted by the entire committee or the school, but this is one of the first major milestones. It's amazing how those tiny bits of feedback can just make your day! My goal is to finish the dissertation research and draft by the end of the year so that next spring is spent defending my research and completing the rounds of editing that will be required before publication. I want to graduate next Spring.

Went over to a friend's house to scrapbook last night. The idea was for her to scrapbook and for me to organize the photo's I have and put the location/dates on them. What ended up happening is that I did this and Oksana and her spent the evening chatting. Oh well, at least I got some more photo's done. After my grandparents passed away last year, I realized the importance of labeling and organizing your photo's. Of course, the paper photo's stopped sometime in 2003, now everything is digital and of course those photo's are not organized. I need to get some sort of photo album software that will allow me to organize and document my photo's. I've looked at some, but they seemed to be more gui focused and not much on functionality. But, I haven't looked into this much.


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