Random with Abandon

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Ultrasound results

Well, we went in for the ultrasound yesterday and everything is looking good. We saw the sac and the Dr. measured the yolk. Sounds like an egg right? The 'baby' is very tiny, only about 4mm in length (if I remember correctly). It appears that there is only one itty bitty (Oksana's code name for the baby), so unless they are identical there are no twins in our immediate future. They took more blood from Oksana for more tests and we have an appointment again on January 20th. We might be able to hear the heartbeat at that appointment (she'll be 8 weeks along).

Monday, January 08, 2007

First Ultrasound

Oksana is 6 weeks pregnant today so we have the first ultrasound later this morning. They are looking to see if the sac has developed and how many. Since Oksana had five viable eggs when the sperm was released, there is a chance that there could be multiples. Though the chances are really low. I'm still hoping for twins (a boy and a girl) so that we don't need to go through the legal hassles again, but if we do have twins we are in for alot of hassles during pregnancy and alot more costs because we'll need two of everything. Oh well, we'll see.