Thursday, October 12, 2006


Well, Microsoft is really demo'ing Vista these days. I've seen 3 demo's of the new operating system lately and while it looks cool, I don't think it's worth the hype. It's Windows XP on steroids. Someone recorded one of these Windows Vista demo's but is using Mac OS X to show the features. It's pretty funny to see that what Windows is touting as new already exists in the Mac OS. They used to say Windows 95 was Macintosh 1984 so I guess it's still the same. Here's the link:

Not too much else to report. Our lives are work, sleep, geocache, and eat. But, we've even slowed down dramatically on the geocaching. We've only been going out for about an hour a night. It gets me out of the house and walking for awhile, but not out all evening like we were originally doing. This Friday though we are going to see the Blue Man Group. I have never seen them before so am looking forward to it.


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