Friday, September 01, 2006

It's finally September

Well, it's finally September. Maybe now the temperatures will start going down a bit. Our windows/AC unit are pretty bad so the coolest it can keep the house in the afternoon is around 84 degrees and because my home office is at the end of the house, it is around 87 degrees. Way to hot to work effectively.

I *really* wanted to take the day off from work and focus on my dissertation. Not that I should be off today because I was out of the office in Oklahoma last Thursday and Friday and I'll be on vacation the week of the 11th. I think it's because I need a vacation that I don't want to work. Plus, I just got all the feedback back from my dissertation committee and I really want to get the edits fixed so that I can move onto the next step.

Work was actually pretty good this morning. I had a client issue dumped on me Wednesday night that my partner had been working on for almost 2 weeks. I had to go out to the client site today and I was pretty worried about figuring it out while there especially since they were losing patience. Well, I figured the problem out and had it fixed within 15 minutes of being there. Since I was already there, they had me do almost 2 hours worth of other work that was all billable. So, they are pleased with me. While I was there, a guy from another company liked what I was doing at that client and wants me to go to his office and potentially do some work there. So, my business partner should be happy with me today as well. It's a nice start to a long weekend.


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